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Stories of Philanthropy
The Institute for Technology in Health Care funds the Cesar A. Caceres Simulation Center
June 08, 2022
The Institute for Technology in Health Care (ITHC) has made a $5 million gift to the Conway School of Nursing to establish the state-of-the-art Cesar A. Caceres Simulation Center in the new nursing and sciences building.
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New dining commons will be named Garvey Hall in honor of John and Jeanne Garvey
June 07, 2022
On June 4, The Catholic University of America announced that the new campus dining commons, currently under construction and scheduled to open in fall 2022, will be named Garvey Hall in honor of outgoing University President John Garvey and his wife, Jeanne Garvey.
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Celebrating Pentecost with understanding, love, and care
June 05, 2022
As we celebrate Pentecost this year, I am reminded of the children in that detention center in El Paso. The message they shared with us still rings true. The gift of tongues that the Holy Spirit has given each of us can be the gifts of understanding, love, and care.
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Preparing for change with the Feast of Ascension
May 26, 2022
During times of change, Jesus shows us that our eyes should not be fixed looking up, but rather looking at each other. He wants us to know that even if He is not physically with us, He is with us in spirit. He is in you — and in me.
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Cabrini Pak, Ph.D. 2017, and using a theology degree for business research
May 25, 2022
On May 25, 2022, we hosted a discussion with Cabrini Pak, Ph.D. 2017, about her career path as a consultant, her decision to pursue a Ph.D. in theological studies, and how she incorporates her theological research into practice for business. You can view the conversation in its entirety.
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AAPI alumni share workplace insights
May 12, 2022
As part of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, on Thursday, May 12, we hosted a virtual career panel that discussed the importance of human dignity and how to value one another in the workplace. You can now view the entire discussion.
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Interfaith ceremony dedicates new home of Angels Unawares statue on Catholic University’s campus
May 06, 2022
On Friday, April 22, The Catholic University of America held an interfaith dedication ceremony on campus for Welcome Plaza, the newly constructed home of the bronze sculpture Angels Unawares.
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How should we remember? History, meaning, and community
School of Arts and Sciences Spring Speaker Series
May 04, 2022
In March, the School of Arts and Sciences held its 2022 Spring Speaker Series, consisting of two virtual panel discussions on memories and American foundings. Now, you may watch each discussion in its entirety.
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COVID-19 vaccines and Catholic University: A discussion with Dr. Venigalla Rao
April 27, 2022
On Wednesday, April 27, we were joined by Venigalla Rao, Ph.D., professor of biology in the School of Arts and Sciences, for a discussion about his career path in biological research and his time at Catholic University.
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Honoring the best of Catholic University Athletics: Class of 2020 Athletics Hall of Fame
April 26, 2022
On Saturday, April 2, the energy and emotion were palpable within Maloney Hall's Della Ratta Auditorium, which was packed with a standing-room-only crowd. What better place to welcome the newest members of the Athletics Hall of Fame than a space named in honor of the alumnus often considered Catholic University's greatest athlete: Joseph M. Della Ratta, B.A. 1953.
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Brian Cashman, B.A. 1989: Class of 2020 Athletics Hall of Fame Member
April 26, 2022
On Saturday, April 2, Brian Cashman, B.A. 1989, was formally inducted into the Athletics Hall of Fame in a ceremony that was originally scheduled for 2020.
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Kevin Ricca, Class of 1998: Class of 2020 Hall of Fame Member
April 25, 2022
On Saturday, April 2, Kevin Ricca, Class of 1998, was formally inducted into the Athletics Hall of Fame in a ceremony that was originally scheduled for 2020.
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Angela Gloukhoff Wentling, B.B.E. 1994: Class of 2020 Athletics Hall of Fame Member
April 22, 2022
On Saturday, April 2, Angela Gloukhoff Wentling, B.B.E. 1994, was formally inducted into the Athletics Hall of Fame in a ceremony that was originally scheduled for 2020.
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Alumni panel discusses human dignity in the workplace
April 21, 2022
On Thursday, April 21, we hosted a panel with three alumni who shared their tips, experiences, and unique perspectives on how to be the best colleague you can be in the workplace. You can now view the hour-long discussion in its entirety.
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The Challenge of Easter Joy
April 18, 2022
There is a lot that challenges the Easter season to, in fact, be an Easter “season.” Seven weeks of…JOY?!?! Impossible! Does this ask too much of believers? How is such a thing possible, especially when global, communal, and personal circumstances echo tragic and more virulent truths to mock such sentiments?
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Blackburn, Fisher, Homan, and Keating: Class of 2020 Athletics Hall of Fame Members
April 08, 2022
On Saturday, April 2, James Blackburn, B.A. 1975, M.A. 1978, Joseph Fisher, B.A. 1975, Philip Homan, B.S. 1976, and J. Kevin Keating, B.A. 1973, were formally inducted into the Athletics Hall of Fame in a ceremony that was originally scheduled for 2020.
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Community brings success to the 2022 Founders Day Giving Challenge
April 06, 2022
The Cardinal family united to make 834 gifts in celebration of the founding of The Catholic University of America, and the results were amazing. We thank everyone who participated.
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Patrick Maloney, B.A. 2002: Class of 2020 Athletics Hall of Fame Member
April 04, 2022
On Saturday, April 2, Patrick Maloney, B.A. 2002, was formally inducted into the Athletics Hall of Fame in a ceremony that was originally scheduled for 2020.
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First in-person Gratus celebration honors University's friends and benefactors
March 25, 2022
On March 21, Catholic University held its first in-person Gratus celebration honoring the University’s friends and benefactors.
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The Miracles of Mary in Ethiopia with Jeremy Brown, Ph.D. 2019
March 17, 2022
On Thursday, March 17, we launched the Lunch and Learn series with a discussion that featured Jeremy Brown, Ph.D. 2019. Brown discussed his research on the Miracles of Mary in Ethiopia. Now, you can view the full discussion.
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