Since 1903, The Catholic University of America has been blessed by the generosity of parishioners around the country through the National Collection. James Cardinal Gibbons, our first chancellor and the ninth Archbishop of Baltimore, affectionately called the Collection “the people’s endowment.”

Catholic University is the national university of the Catholic Church. Gifts to the National Collection — the only second collection taken for higher education in the U.S. — support students and help the University conduct critical research that will serve parishes and dioceses throughout the country.

Be the light for education

We are all in this together. Catholic University is a community of students, faculty, and staff who are committed to keeping everyone safe and upholding the highest standards of education.

Under the guidance of University President Peter K. Kilpatrick, Ph.D., the University community works tirelessly on behalf of its undergraduate and graduate students to help educate them to serve the Church and nation as the Catholic leaders of tomorrow. This comprehensive educational experience is supported through our 12 schools, 32 research facilities, and more than 250 academic programs.

When you contribute via the National Collection, you help the University maintain its legacy built upon 130 years of education in the Catholic intellectual tradition. You are the light for faith-based higher education.


Help the University renew and heal the Church

Right now, the Church has pressing needs, and Catholic University is responding with innovative research initiatives and training programs.

Support of the National Collection not only provides critical support to students; it also helps the University serve dioceses and parishes through innovative research initiatives and training programs, such as the master’s program in Ecclesial Administration and Management, and a credentialing program that prepares recent graduates to serve as campus ministers.

When you donate to the University via the National Collection, you help to fund this critical work, which improves the Church and the nation.