Share the good news about Catholic University with your community. As a Cardinal Ambassador, you will be able to speak on behalf of the University to potential and incoming students, your local parishioners, and your greater community members. For more information, read more about the ambassador positions below and complete the form if you are ready to get started.

Cardinal Ambassadors Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in wanting to represent Catholic University. We are so thankful you want to be our champions and help spread the good word about CatholicU! There are two ways you can volunteer with us. 

Option 1: You can serve as an Ambassador for our admissions efforts and help drive prospective students and their families to Catholic University. 

Option 2: You can represent Catholic University at your local parish and speak on behalf of our University during the National Collection. 


Admissions Ambassadors

Prospective Student Referrals

Catholic University alumni and parents encounter potential future students in their communities, workplaces, and families and often recommend them, either formally or informally, to the committee on admission. A formal referral initiates concierge-level service for each student and family for the duration of their enrollment journey, beginning with personalized outreach from the assigned admission counselor and a care package of CatholicU collateral to signal Catholic University’s interest and care in a successful application and enrollment at Catholic.

Admission Ambassador Program

The Admission Ambassador Program is designed to cultivate and train alumni, parents, and friends interested in contributing to the University's prospective student recruitment efforts. Volunteers will be required to complete a two-part training program in order to be certified ambassadors for the Office of Admission. Upon completion of the training program, volunteers will be eligible to represent the University at recruitment events (i.e. college fairs, colleges nights, etc.) as specified by the Office of Admission.

Cardinal Preview Day Rep

At Preview Day, the University shows accepted students all that our community has to offer. After a welcome in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, students have the opportunity to visit their schools of interest to meet professors and future classmates, to attend informational sessions about campus life, and to explore in-depth the different offerings that make Catholic University unique and a good fit for them. As an official Cardinal Ambassador at Preview Day, you can be that friendly face or encouraging spark that prompts a student to choose Catholic University!

Prospective Student Communication

After a student is admitted, it often takes a personal touch to help them reach the decision to enroll here. You can do that for someone as a Cardinal Ambassador! Help write notes or make phone calls to admitted students, guiding them to their admission counselor and encouraging them in their decision journey. Catholic University could be their future home!

National Collection Ambassador

Since 1903, The Catholic University of America has been blessed by the generosity of parishioners around the country through the National Collection. James Cardinal Gibbons, our first chancellor and the ninth Archbishop of Baltimore, affectionately called the collection “the people’s endowment.”

Catholic University is the national university of the Catholic Church. Gifts to the National Collection — the only second collection taken for higher education in the U.S. — support students during this crucial time and help the University conduct critical research that will serve parishes and dioceses throughout the country.

We are asking for National Collection Ambassadors to represent and promote CatholicU to their local Church community. The USCCB designates one weekend each year (typically the first or second Sunday in September) for the National Collection for The Catholic University of America.

If interested, please complete the steps below. Note: You are able to complete both areas of interest. 

Thank you so much for your willingness to represent Catholic University!

Get Involved

Admissions Ambassadors

Would you like to send student referrals and participate in the Admission Ambassador Program?

National Collection Ambassador

Would you like to serve as a National Collection Ambassador?

Demographic Information

Please share your contact information to help us connect you with the correct representative.

Phone Number
What is your affiliation with Catholic University?