Your deferred gift benefits you now and provides future support to Catholic University. The Planned Giving Office can help you develop a gift plan that meets your financial and philanthropic goals.
Wills, living trusts, and bequests
The easiest and most common form of deferred gift is a charitable bequest in your will or living trust. We have sample bequest language and more information.
Gifts that provide income
A lifetime income gift, such as a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust, can provide you with fixed payments for life. You can receive tax benefits and deductions as well.
Nongrantor lead trust
Nongrantor lead trusts support Catholic University and allow your family to receive the asset with a significantly reduced tax liability.
Gifts of retirement plans
When Catholic University is named as a retirement plan beneficiary, whether primary or contingent, estate taxes do not apply. This allows you to give a larger gift than you may have anticipated.
Retained life estate
You can give a personal residence to Catholic University but continue to live in it or rent it out during your lifetime. The property is removed from your taxable estate and you receive an immediate federal income tax deduction.
Catholic University Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)
In partnership with the Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund, the University offers a DAF. After you open an account, your contributions of cash, stock, or other assets to your Catholic University DAF are considered charitable gifts, offering you an immediate potential tax deduction. Those assets grow tax-free in your Catholic University DAF and, at any time, you may recommend distributions to Catholic University or other 501(c)(3) organizations.
In addition to these planned giving options, you may make an outright gift of cash, securities, or other liquid assets, which will be put to immediate use at Catholic University.