On June 28, Jack Yoest, assistant professor of practice; leadership and management at The Catholic University of America, sat down for a conversation about leadership with Dan Curtin, senior associate director of career development and professional networking.

The conversation, "Leadership: Can it Be Taught?,"  is a preview of a workshop taking place on September 4, 2024 in the Pryzbyla Center. Professor Yoest's insights on leadership will benefit all Catholic University alumni, whether they are currently in management roles or aspiring to be. Professor Yoest has had a prolific career in business, has published several books on management and leadership, and actively advises senior leaders on best management practices. Registration remains open until August 30.

This recording and upcoming event are part of a broader "Faculty Speaker Series," which invites Catholic University alumni back into the classroom to learn about a wide range of professional development topics.

Published on: Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tags: CUOnline, Careers, Career Workshop