CUOnline is a series of virtual events designed to offer alumni engaging and educational information on today's most relevant topics brought to you by the Catholic University community.

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Recent events in the CUOnline series
Federal Jobs Workshop
As part of the CUOnline Career Development Series, we were joined by Mark Arnone, B.A. 2009, on February 25, for a workshop on how to best navigate and secure jobs across the federal government.
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Fr. Christopher Seith, S.T.D. 2020, and the Beauty of Reality in a Screen-Saturated World
As part of the CUOnline Lunch and Learn series, Fr. Christopher Seith, S.T.D. 2020, joined us on February 21 for a discussion on the role of digital technologies in our careers and in our formation as people.
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Black History Month Alumni Career Panel
On Wednesday, February 8, we hosted a career panel that featured a trio of Black alumni who shared their experiences and wisdom across the business, healthcare, and engineering industries for all alumni and students.
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