At Catholic University we come together every day as a community that is called and animated by faith, service, and love of our neighbor. Today, we are called in a special way, whether on campus or online, as one Catholic University, to enter into this most holy and solemn season of Lent through prayer and reflection.
On behalf of the Alumni Association, we invite you to join us and your fellow alumni as we journey through these six weeks with short reflections from alumni and other members of the Catholic University community.
The Springtime of Hope
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Great 90 Days – The 40 days of Lent and the 50 days of Easter. As we enter into this sacred time, we invite you, our alumni, to join us as our campus community focuses on the Paschal Mystery of our Lord. Our theme for these 90 days is: The Springtime of Hope.
The Church asks each of us to begin our call to conversion by prayer, penance, and almsgiving. During this time we are asking the entire Catholic University Community to pray for the healing of the Church – especially the victims of clerical abuse and the cover-up of these crimes. And, we are praying for the renewal of hope in the hearts of all believers, especially for those who have lost faith in Christ’s Church. As always we place our trust in the dying and rising of Jesus – source of our hope.
As we embark on this spiritual journey we ask that you remember our Catholic University community in your prayers. Know that you are most welcome to any of our Masses, Adoration opportunities, Stations of the Cross, and our many service opportunities. Let this sacred moment be a Springtime of Hope for all of us.
— Rev. Jude DeAngelo, OFM Conv.
University Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry
Published on: Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Tags: Campus Ministry, Easter, Lent