Did you know?

Sixteen million dollars would change your life, right? What would you do with it? Travel the world, pay off credit cards, or maybe buy a house?

At Catholic University, $16 million can — and does — change lives. Nearly 400 of them, to be more precise. During the last academic year, more than $16 million was donated to the University for scholarships, which were awarded to undergraduate, graduate, and law students who were then able to enroll or continue their studies at Catholic University.

First-year student Therese Nguyen, who received assistance from the Clifford E. Brown Scholarship Fund, is just one of them. 

“At Catholic University, I have the opportunity to travel away from home to learn independence and to immerse myself in my faith, in a different culture from the West Coast. I can really dive into what I love and learn how to be the best person I possibly can be. I have the opportunity to discover careers that I would like to pursue in the future and build a very strong community of faith, friends, and family.”

“But I wouldn’t be here today if it hadn’t been for the scholarships.”

— Therese Nguyen

Therese and many of the other students have the chance to thank their benefactors in person at the annual Scholarship Dinner, which was held most recently on December 10, 2018. To see more student stories about the life-changing impact of scholarships on other Catholic University students, visit our scholarship page.

Published on: Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Campaign Theme: Student Success

Division: Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art

Tags: Scholarships