A message to alumni from the Board of Governors

Dear alumni of The Catholic University of America,

Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God… and one another.

Our 90,000-plus community of Catholic University alumni remains proud of our school and the values that it has instilled in each of us, whether we are undergraduate alumni, graduate alumni, or both. Equal respect for all human beings is a hallmark of our Catholic institution, education, and traditions. We as an alumni body strive to protect and defend the equality of persons and the protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. There is no place in our country for racial discrimination. Some of our alumni sisters and brothers have endured this discrimination in the past. We must learn from it, never forget it, and always strive to stop racial injustices where and when we see them. We must stand up and speak out and never be ignorant or indifferent to racial inequalities. We must do as we are commanded to do — to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God and one another.

The recent events of racial injustice in our country cannot go unmentioned. They are in direct opposition to the rule of law and undermine the very constitutional foundations that make this country a symbol of freedom and opportunity for the rest of the world. The murder of George Floyd was inexcusable. We all must do our part to ensure racial injustice ceases. Those whom we entrust with the enforcement of our laws must also practice mercy. We must pray that they do their jobs indiscriminately and learn that justice is harmonious with compassion, mercy, and humility.

As alumni of The Catholic University of America, our words and beliefs must have meaning as we put our faith into action. Our actions and words must demonstrate caring, selfless service to others and include peacefully standing up for those voices who have been silenced. It is not enough to throw around token words. You must reach out to those facing racial discrimination, as well as to those that need our help to understand what it means to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God and one another. We are all equal human beings on this earth. We were all put here to make it a better place for one another, regardless of how we look. We cannot remain ignorant to the realities and truths of racial injustice anymore. So, please stand up, or take a knee during a march, and demonstrate our values as Catholic alumni for those facing racism around us. In doing so, do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God and one another.

On behalf of the Catholic University Alumni Association Board of Governors,

Scott N. Flesch, B.A. 1994, J.D. 1997

This statement was written and approved by the Executive Committee of the Alumni Association Board of Governors.


May the following prayer from your national chaplain, Father Jim Sabak, O.F.M., B.A. 1985, M.A. 2003, Ph.D. 2012, aid us in this great and necessary task:

Blessed are you God of all creation,
in every time and every age
you call us to become the people
 you have created us to be –
     a people of hope,
     a people of love,
     a people of challenge,
     a people of courage,
     a people of resolve –
for it is only in the embrace of qualities such as these
that the fullness of our humanity may flourish,
which is the true reflection
    of your own divine life and love for us.

You sent your Son to teach us
 that power is revealed in weakness
 and strength in acts of generous and selfless service to one another.

You inspire us by your Holy Spirit
    to see not as the world sees and to act not as the world acts,
    but to see and act as you have revealed
        through the words of the prophets
        and the example of Jesus Christ.

You exhort and forewarn us
that when we fail to live as we ought,
 in peace and unity with one another,
we fail in living out our humanity,
and distort and rupture the divine image
 in which we have been formed.

Come to us now, O God of righteousness,
with your Spirit of wisdom and fortitude
that we may face what we have not done
 and what we have failed to do
in remaining ignorant of and indifferent
 to the realities and truths of racial injustices
 in our communities and in our nation.

Blinded to the injustices
  the violence, the oppression, the hatred,
 and the pain and fear experienced by Black Americans,
we have remained detached
from speaking out and witnessing as we must,
    mocking and marring our responsibility
    and your summons to live as a people of faith
    in a world filled with darkness and doubt.

Inflame us now O Spirit of the God of mercy.
Empower in all people the earnest desire
to live with eyes open to the needs
 of our sisters and brothers.
Render us to serve one another truly after the example of Christ,
so that people crushed and oppressed
 may be raised up to a new hope.

Relieve the suffering, grant peace of mind,
and a renewed faith in your protection and care.
Until that great day
 when there will be no more fear,
 no more tears, and no more pain,
help us by your Holy Spirit
 to be assured of your protection from the violence of others,
 keep us safe from weapons of hate,
 and restore us to tranquility and peace.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Published on: Monday, June 15, 2020

Tags: Sister Thea Bowman Committee, Alumni Association Board of Governors