Pictured above: our 2019 Awardees.

Award Descriptions


Young Alumni Achievement Award

The Young Alumni Achievement Award recognizes an alumnus/a who graduated less than fifteen years ago and has demonstrated extraordinarily high levels of achievement early in his or her career and the potential for future accomplishments. *Up to two alumni may receive this honor in a given awards cycle.

“I am incredibly grateful for my experience at Catholic University. It is there that I received not only a top-notch education but also formation in the Catholic faith—both of which shaped and guided me in finding my vocation as a lawyer.”
Brendan Duffy, B.A. 2013
Associate, Jones Day

Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award

The Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award honors alumni who have distinguished themselves as leaders in their respective fields of endeavor. *Up to five alumni may receive this honor in a given awards cycle.

“The education I received from the Catholic University of America is priceless, providing me with the foundation to excel as an aerospace engineer and achieve numerous accomplishments throughout my career. My education at CUA not only prepared me to be a strong engineer, it also taught me how to use my voice to work with and influence others, directly contributing to the success of the organization and the overall mission.”
Wanda Peters, B.S. 1988, B.S. 1989
Deputy Associate Program Administrator for Programs, Science Mission Directorate, NASA


Please complete this form as fully as possible. Before proceeding, please review both award categories carefully and gather all documentation and information you need to make a strong case for your nominee.

You may nominate someone for both categories.

We look forward to receiving your submission.

Award Nomination Form

Award Categories
Choose at least one category.

About your nominee

Please provide as much information as you can about your nominee so that we may identify the correct person.

Who are you nominating?

Nominee's Name

Why are you nominating this person?

Keeping in mind the criteria for the award category (or categories) you've selected, please make a strong case for why your nominee should be awarded. Suggested length: 500-1,000 characters.
URL(s) to Supporting Information
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About you

Nominator Name
If you graduated from Catholic University:

For more information or questions, please email: cua-alumni@cua.edu.